9 Marzo 2025

The Fact of Matter: 4sythe 4 us

Lucrezia Collimato and Lucia Frizzo, performing arts students at the University of Turin, shares some impressions of their visit to the exhibition “The Fact of Matter” by William Forsythe at the Museum für Moderne Kunst in Frankfurt, as part of a cultural experiment led by Perypezye Urbane and sustained by the Italian Ministry of Culture. Enjoy their video!

The Fact of Matter #2

More images from our visit to the exhibition “The Fact of Matter” by William Forsythe at the Museum für Moderne Kunst with performing arts students from the University of Turin. This cultural experiment is part of a project sustained by the Italian Ministry of Culture.

Click here for the first video.

The Fact of Matter #1

Perypezye Urbane has traveled to Frankfurt to lead a cultural experiment with performing arts students from the University of Turin, within a project sustained by the Italian Ministry of Culture.
Enjoy a first glimpse of our visit to the exhibition “The Fact of Matter” by William Forsythe at the Museum für Moderne Kunst!

Click here for the second video.

Critica in MOVimento: Birdman o (l’imprevedibile virtù dell’ignoranza)

La prima video-recensione dell’edizione 2015 di Critica in MOVimento arriva da Lorenzo Signore, che ha voluto dire la sua sul film Birdman di Alejandro González Iñárritu, vincitore di quattro Oscar per miglior film, miglior regia, miglior sceneggiatura originale e miglior fotografia.

Buona visione e, se anche voi avete voglia di esprimere impressioni su un film o uno spettacolo, ricordate che la scadenza per partecipare a Critica in MOVimento e provare a vincere 1000 euro è stata posticipata a venerdì 8 gennaio 2016!