10 Marzo 2025

Viaggio in Europa

L’arte può essere uno strumento filosofico di comprensione del mondo e dell’identità europea. Con questa idea, Perypezye Urbane ha promosso il workshop “Viaggio in Europa” con il patrocinio di Regione Lombardia e il sostegno del Lifelong Learning Programme. Ecco un assaggio dell’esperienza che hanno vissuto i partecipanti della scorsa edizione a Milano. Buona visione!

“Viaggio in Europa” is a workshop promoted by Perypezye Urbane and sponsored by Regione Lombardia and supported by the Lifelong Learning Programme. Its aim is to promote cultural literacy through art and philosophy.  Enjoy this sample of last year’s edition in Milan!

PAROL!: Let’s meet up

The international partners of European Project PAROL! meet the prisoners of the “Rodolfo Morandi” jail in Saluzzo (Cuneo).

PAROL! – writing and art beyond walls, beyond borders – wants to establish creative connections between the prison system and society, promoting values of integration and citizenship. A double direction of social responsibility: from prisoners to society, from society to prisoners.

In Italy the project involves the house of detention “Rodolfo Morandi” in Saluzzo (Cuneo) and the prison “Lorusso-Cutugno” in Turin with laboratories of Reading aloud, Creative Writing, Haiku Poetry, Haibun, Ceramics, Raku, Dance – Theater.