23 Febbraio 2025

Immagini viste dall’alto

Images Seen from Above is dance residency project open to receive performances still in the process of work and elaboration of ideas. Projects presented in the form of work in progress, in the form of images seen from above that, like the latter, observed in the distance, do not yet have a precise form, are still spaces to be filled or emptied, in which dimensions and colors are open to many suggestions, open to the possible interpretations even of the performer himself. It is the upward suspension of the idea, before landing at the end point, that fascinates us, the unready project, the draft: the head in the air!

In 2012, we launched the first call for proposals aimed at dancers and/or companies in the Lombardy region who submit a project that aims to mark a stage in the work of their own performance art production that is not yet completed but already sketched out and does not necessarily have to be completed within the week of residency. Then we expand the target internationally thanks to EU support.

From 2012 to 2023, we hosted in residence

Anna Ajmone e Chiara Ameglio  (“In-Quiete” – 2013)


Chiara Frigo e Marta Ciappina (“Suite-Hope” – 2012)

Elisabetta Consonni (“Fotoritocco” – 2012)

Riccardo Fusiello (“Your happy sad song” – 2012)