30 Marzo 2025

EU Projects

* The role of artists and other cultural professionals in applying sustainability values in the cultural and creative sectors.
* The role of artists in the agenda for research and education in cultural management and policy.
* Empower citizens and audience into cultural process.
* Empower audience and artists to work together for a better society.
* Old and newly developed [digital] formats to verify and anlyze the impact of the Culture on society.
* Impact of COVID-19 on the cultural and creative sectors.

The European Culture projects already organized by Perypezye Urbane are:
– in 2010, Studio 28 Tv, a web tv supported by European Commission and Fondazione Cariplo (Italy).  Studio28 Tv is a cultural web tv created by Perypezye Urbane, acknowledged and supported by the Italian Ministry of Culture. It aimed to follow the Green Paper agenda as well as Europe 2020 strategy: “a strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth”. Studio28 Tv aims to disseminate relevant cultural policy information through the process of Internet sharing and it is designated for containing cultural contents, including amateur video clips, web-only productions or any “eyewitness” events that can be also caught on video and “gone viral”. In doing so, we want to empower people by developing their skills throughout the lifecycle with a view to increase labour participation and better match.
– in 2011, S28 Mag, a web magazine focused on the analysis of cultural policies, both from Italian and European perspectives;
– in September 2012 Studio28 Tv was leading partner of the Europe Cooperation project Web Tvs for European Culture, a network among organizations from Berlin, Malaga, Malta, Tirana (Culture 2007-2013 Program).
– since 2018 Perypezye has been supported by the Italian Ministry of Culture thanks to the app DanceMe  – now recognized as an official tool for dance production and education – which allows to share artists’s creative process with audience;

-since 2020 Perypezye is leading partner of DanceMe UP supported by Creative Europe with a network composed by 10 partners from 5 countries (Finland, Iceland, Germany, France and Italy);

Professional Media Presence (PMP) project helps artists with fewer opportunities to claim their professional digital space.

Perypezye Urbane uses technology (web tv + ICT) to create educational projects and video formats. It has been developing training programmes for adults within the framework of Erasmus + programme (KA1), working with different target groups (women, unemployed people, artists, cultural operator, young people, etc.). Our staff includes a network of education professionals, artists and cultural operators who design, produce video formats and tutorize varied training offer at the regional, national and international level.

Radici BeHome

Paola Ponti at Valletta2018 cultural mapping conference
Paola Ponti at Valletta2018 cultural mapping conference
Perypezye Video Production