23 Febbraio 2025

Critica in MOVimento 2015! (English Version)

Click here for Italian version


Final selection

Critica in MOVimento Prize is back with many new features for its 2015 edition!

You don’t have to be a professional critic to voice your emotions and thoughts, both positive and negative, about a dance or theater performance or a film. The camera of your smartphone is enough to create a critique of a show or film you have seen in the form of a photo or a video.

How to participate

  1. Choose the dance or theater performance or the film that you want to review. Warning! You must have attended in person.
  2. Make a video or a photo conveying your critique in a creative way.
  3. By Friday 8 January 2016 upload the photo to your Instagram Instagram profile using the hashtag #criticainmovimento or post below the link to the video-review uploaded to your Youtube or Vimeo account, specifying in which section you wish to enter the contest.
  4. Remember that you can participate with more than one video/photo-review but that every contribution can participate in only one section.

Sections and Prizes

  • Prize for Best Video-review of any show or film: 1,000 euros
  • Prize for Best Photo-review of any show or film: 300 euros
  • “Critica in MOVimento – La danza in 1 minuto“ Prize for the best video-review of a video admitted to the contest La Danza in 1 minuto: 300 euros.

Please note that your participation in the contest is, as always, free!


What is a video-review? You can watch this video tutorial, or have a look at participants in previous editions to get an idea!

So read the contest regulations, fill in the form below and upload your videos!

  • Inviaci l'URL del tuo video (youtube* o vimeo). Il video deve essere approvato dal nostro amministratore di sistema prima di poter risultare visibile. *Per favore considera che i video "privati" su youtube non saranno visibili. Il video deve essere pubblico.
  • Send us the URL of your video (youtube* or vimeo). The video must be approved by our webmaster, before it can be publicly posted. *(please consider that private youtube videos won't be visible. Youtube videos should be "public" or unlisted)


The 2015 edition of Critica in MOVimento is in partnership with:



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