7 Marzo 2025

Melodies Beyond Time – Ravenna Festival _ VerdiWeb 2.013

To close out the celebrations for the 200th Anniversary of Giuseppe Verdi’s birth, a powerful event was organized for the 2013 edition of the Ravenna Festival. On the same stage of the Alighieri Theatre, Verdi’s three masterpieces in which the theatrical genius of the musician is juxtaposed with the plays of the greatest playwright and poet of all time, William Shakespeare, were presented and analysed in succession: Macbeth (8th,12nd and 15th November), Othello (9th, 13th, 16th November) and Falstaff (10th, 14th and 17th November). Twenty-nine participants selected by the commission formed by Silva Lelli (photographer), Nevio Galeati (writer and journalist), Alessandro Renda (videomaker and actor) came from all over Italy, from Palermo to Turin, for the workshop called ‘VerdiWeb’, which ran alongside Verdi’s Trilogy for the autumn season. They were invited to observe the rehearsals of the Trilogy and explore and document the unique inner workings of the world of theatre from their point of view. The results of this exploration are published on the project’s website (www.verdiweb.it). Held for the second consecutive year, Verdiweb has gained the reputation of a unique and prestigious place to improve one’s creativity, a multimedia workshop, informal yet intensive, where one can explore expressive languages, heighten and improve the five senses, in a near daily routine of research and exploration, simultaneous to what happens in the whole theatrical space, not only on stage, but also in the theatre as a business and a world where many things occur on and off stage.
This is the final project of one of last year’s participants, Giulia Viero, and it’s called “Melodies Beyond Time”.


MOVING DIALOGUE is an artistic dialogue between four inmates and two filmmakers about life inside and outside the prison walls at Oudenaarde (Belgium). The inmates recorded their own life and surroundings with a Super 8 camera. The film artists visited places and people dear to the inmates and made a portrait. These “outside images” are brought back inside. Using their independently made film recordings and the “outside images”, the inmates created a montage and the film artists added their own interpretation. The result is a single screen video, with a video-installation that looks beyond walls and beyond borders.

MOVING DIALOGUE is part of the European arts project PAROL! – writing and art beyond walls, beyond borders. PAROL! connects the arts, detention and society. Inmates from fourteen prisons in Belgium, Greece, Italy, Poland and Serbia collaborate with writers, visual and performing artists till April 2015. This collaboration results in exhibitions, lectures and publications.

CREATIEF SCHRIJVEN vzw is the lead organiser of this European Cooperation Project supported by the Culture Programme 2007-2013 of the European Union.

PAROL! – writing and art beyond walls, beyond borders

Oudenaarde prison, BE
Production period: July 2013 – February 2014

Four inmates in dialogue with artists Lien Nollet & Fabien DeLathauwer
Single screen video & video-installation

Four male inmates
Super 8 camera
inside & outside prison walls

Next Generation: Marina Spada

Per Next Generation, Maruska Ronchi incontra questa volta Marina Spada, regista indipendente e docente presso la Scuola Civica di Cinema e Televisione di Milano.

Questa fantastica intervista realizzata durante la Summer School ci ha permesso di entrare nel vivo del suo lavoro di insegnante e regista e di apprezzare il fascino della recitazione per la macchina da presa e tutto ciò che ci sta dietro (il lavoro di gruppo di macchinisti, tecnici e attori, i trucchi e i segreti del mestiere), grazie alle splendide immagini catturate da Daniele Grosso. Buona visione!

Artists’ corner – Luis Montolio

Luis Montolio, nato in Inghilterra e che vive ora a Valencia, dopo diverse esperienze professionali decise di dare una svolta alla sua vita iscrivendosi, all’età di 30 anni, ad un Master in Fotografia. Le sue opere sono un’originale documentazione della società e di personaggi con una forte umanità. Tra vari progetti di ambito internazionale, ha esposto le sue opere nella Mostra di Arte Contemporanea Artevalencia e molte sue opere sono installate sugli edifici del centro della città di Valencia a creare una “galleria d’arte nelle strade”. Ora ha in mente di aprire un bosco urbano nel centro del quartiere del Carmen a Valencia, ma questi non sono gli unici progetti che questo artista innamorato, come lui si definisce, della “magia della strada”, ha in mente.

Diretto, filmato e prodotto da Giulia Viero
Editing di Piero Ali Passatore
Musica di Josta